
The Ethereum price forecast of $3000 by 2030 is from the tech analysis firm Canaccord Genuity. The firm’s analyst Michael Graham made this statement in a report about cryptocurrencies to clients. His prediction for Ethereum is based on usage of the cryptocurrency and blockchain. He expects it to be used for initial coin offerings (ICO) and smart contracts. When these gain more traction in the market, the ETH price will rise.

Moreover, the firm expects ethereum price 2030  will rise to $3000 within ten years, which is a significant increase from its current price of around $200 per coin. It also predicts that blockchain technology will have an impact on other industries in addition to finance and banking, such as agriculture and energy production.

What is the future of cryptocurrencies?

In a report called “Cryptocurrency Outlook: Blockchain and the Future of Financial Services,” blockchain firm CRYPTOCANE has predicted that Ethereum will hit $12000 by 2030.

Furthermore, the firm’s analyst Michael Graham made this statement in a report about cryptocurrencies to clients. The report covers all cryptocurrencies as well as their future applications in finance, including smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).

According to Graham, there are three factors that will contribute to a higher price for Ethereum during this time period: 

  1.  ICOs; 
  2. Cryptocurrency exchanges; 
  3. Regulation surrounding initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Prediction for Ethereum depends on cryptocurrency & blockchain

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts. However the applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. It uses a public blockchain similar to Bitcoin, but also enables developers to create and deploy applications on top of its blockchain. This allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dapps) like no one else can do before.

Moreover, his prediction for Ethereum is based on usage of the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. He explains how he sees this happening over time:

  • ICOs will become more common as they become easier to launch and less risky than other methods such as crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter or Patreon (which are often used by musicians). The reason being because it’s harder for people who aren’t well known yet have great ideas but don’t have much money behind them when compared with someone who already has proven track record through past successes.

Smart contracts and initial coin offerings (ICOs) will be among the uses

He expects it to be used for initial coin offerings (ICO) and smart contracts. When these gain more traction in the market, the ETH price will rise. So how does he see ICOs affecting the price of ETH? Well, if you’re not familiar with them or if you have never heard of an ICO before, here’s what they are: They’re a method of crowdfunding where someone creates their own digital currency called an “initial coin offering” (ICO). The person who created this new coin can then sell it on exchanges like Coinbase and Binance in exchange for real money or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. For example, if you wanted some Ether (ETH), but didn’t have any BTC or USDT on your account yet. They ou could just buy some ETH through an exchange. This would allow us all access into this whole new economy without having any money at all. 

What will Bitcoin look like in 2030?

Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be used to buy and sell things electronically. It’s not controlled by any government or central bank and it doesn’t have a physical form. However, the value of bitcoin has fluctuated wildly in the past year, but it’s still been on a steady upward trend since it was created in 2009. The btc price prediction will be worth more than $100,000 per coin and will account for more than 50% of all transactions on the internet.


The Ethereum price forecast of $3000 by 2030 is from the tech analysis firm Canaccord Genuity. The firm’s analyst Michael Graham made this statement in a report about cryptocurrencies to clients. His prediction for Ethereum is based on usage of the cryptocurrency and blockchain. He expects it to be used for initial coin offerings (ICO) and smart contracts. When these gain more traction in the market, the ETH price will rise.

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